extension UIKit.UIImage
The “18” asset catalog image.
The “BackgroundGradient” asset catalog image.
The “C” asset catalog image.
The “CoinBlank” asset catalog image.
The “D” asset catalog image.
The “I” asset catalog image.
The “Infinity” asset catalog image.
The “L” asset catalog image.
The “LaunchImage” asset catalog image.
The “M” asset catalog image.
The “V” asset catalog image.
The “X” asset catalog image.
The “body_Black” asset catalog image.
The “body_Blue” asset catalog image.
The “body_BurntOrange” asset catalog image.
The “body_DaygloGreen” asset catalog image.
The “body_DaygloOrange” asset catalog image.
The “body_Gray” asset catalog image.
The “body_HotPink” asset catalog image.
The “body_HunterGreen” asset catalog image.
The “body_Moonglow” asset catalog image.
The “body_Purple” asset catalog image.
The “body_Red” asset catalog image.
The “body_Speckled” asset catalog image.
The “body_White” asset catalog image.
The “body_Yellow” asset catalog image.
The “ring_Closed” asset catalog image.
The “ring_Open” asset catalog image.
The “text_EighteenMonths” asset catalog image.
The “text_FifteenYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_FiftyYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_FiveYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_FortyFiveYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_FortyYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_MultiYear” asset catalog image.
The “text_NineMonths” asset catalog image.
The “text_NinetyDays” asset catalog image.
The “text_OneDay” asset catalog image.
The “text_OneYear” asset catalog image.
The “text_SixMonths” asset catalog image.
The “text_SixtyDays” asset catalog image.
The “text_TenThousandDays” asset catalog image.
The “text_TenYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_ThirtyDays” asset catalog image.
The “text_ThirtyFiveYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_ThirtyYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_TwentyFiveYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_TwentyYears” asset catalog image.
The “text_WelcomeBack” asset catalog image.